
  • Arrangement,  Reiser

    Blåtur med Joa Vinklubb 2020

    Joa Vinklubbs første blåtur ble arrangert i august 2020. Det var to av fruene som tok initiativ til denne turen, og det ble særdeles vellykket! Følg lenken for å lese referat fra turen.

  • Reiser,  Vin og mat,  Vinsmaking

    Piemonte 2015

    Winetrip to Piemonte 2015 This year our quest for hands-on learning of European grapes, vineyards and wines lead us to the Piemonte region in northern Italy. Joa Vinklubb spent a total of 5 days in the district, and consumed numerous meals and wines. Below we attempt to communicate all impressions from this trip, but it can only be a taste. On the other hand, and like with wine, a taste can tell quite a bit about the total/bottle! Before leaving Given that all members enjoy the wines of the Piemonte district, the choice of destination went without much debate. This year we gave the task of putting together a trip…

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